Together, we can build strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter.
Help us build better homes and brighter futures
For a bank or a business, a church or a professional association - sponsoring Gwinnett/Walton Habitat is a sound decision. It get results. Gwinnett/Walton Habitat is an established, recognized organization know for its effectiveness.
Gwinnett/Walton Habitat sponsorship is about engagement. When your team helps a family build or repair their home - relationships are formed and teams strengthened through sweat and teamwork! It focuses on our community - a contribution to Gwinnett/Walton Habitat involves the community in building its own future.
It's flexible. Even if direct participation isn't right for your organization right now, your financial contribution can still help build not just a house - but a home for one of our families.
All sponsorship levels include advertising recognitions and presence on our web site sponsor page and newsletters.
By sponsoring a home build or repair project - your organization receives first choice of volunteer opportunities on the build site, based on the level of sponsorship.
(Levels are all estimates because projects vary. Level amounts can fluctuate due to number of sponsorships, estimated construction costs, and number of needed workdays on each project.)
Sponsorship at levels not listed in the Build Sponsor Partnership Benefits graph are welcome and we'll be happy to work with your organization to make special arrangements for your team building and civic outreach needs.
Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?
View sponsorship levels and find our more about how to sponsor a build day or home repair project.

Our Sponsors
We gratefully acknowledge our generous Gwinnett Habitat Home Sponsors. In partnership with them and with their financial assistance and commitment we are able to continue to build homes, communities and hope in Gwinnett County.
Dream Maker Partners
Roof Raiser Partners
Team Build Level Partners
Gifts In Kind Partners
"Serving at 12Stone is a very important part of our culture. Our serving is a result of Christ's love for us and His command that we love our neighbor as ourselves. Habitat is a wonderful organization that provides a platform for our church to love others and serve those in need."
–Dennis Myers, 12Stone Church
“It’s a fun and rewarding volunteer opportunity that really makes a difference in people’s lives.”
–Jay, Viasat
“Serving at the Habitat project is an incredibly rewarding experience for everyone involved... making for an enjoyable day of giving back, even though the work can be strenuous and tiring – it’s worth every minute!"
–Careerbuilder Volunteer
“We are so proud to be associated with Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity! Thanks for allowing us to serve you!”
–The Gwinnett Women’s Council of REALTORS®
“The Thrivent/GHFH partnership began around the same time as my family first became members of Christ the Lord. Having been a volunteer with Gwinnett Habitat since 2000 I was anxious to get my new church active (or reactivated) with the affiliate. The Thrivent/GHFH partnership made the connection; all I had to do was show up. The partnership has resulted in a better and more stable life for a number of Gwinnett County families and has provided a wonderful outreach opportunity for hundreds of volunteers and all the churches involved.”
–Rick Damato, Thrivent Volunteer