Volunteer Recognition

Gwinnett/Walton Habitat for Humanity values volunteer support and cannot continue to achieve our goal of proving safe, affordable housing to families in the Gwinnett and Walton areas without them. The following is our volunteer recognition system to recognize and reward our hardworking volunteers. This recognition system will acknowledge our new, current, and veteran volunteers for their contribution.

Ground Breakers

1-30 Hours

Volunteer T-Shirt

Hope Builders

30+ Hours

Social Media Highlight

Community Makers


Invitation to End of Year Appreciation Event

Lifetime Volunteer Recognition Milestones

Habi T-Shirt

100 Hours

At the 100 hour level, Habitat swag includes choice between water bottles, hats, and a t-shirt!

Branded Sweatshirt

500 Hours

500 hours of service–what an achievement! A branded Habitat sweatshirt awaits volunteers at this level.


1,000 & 2,500 Hours

Volunteers at this level have become like family and have participated often. Choose from any item at previous milestones!

Habitat Mugs

250 Hours

Those who have volunteered 250 hours have a choice of swag including a long sleeve t-shirt, short-sleeve t-shirt, and a coffee mug.


750 Hours

750 hours is equivalent to over 30 24-hour days! At this level, volunteers can choose from a Habitat hoodie or warm vest.


4,000 Hours

Volunteers at this level have demonstrated their commitment to our mission and have helped us to build better homes and brighter futures. They will receive the President's Lifetime Achievement Service Award.

Awards and Scholarships


Lynn Weekly Volunteer Scholarship

The Lynn Weekley Volunteer College Scholarship benefits college-bound high school seniors that reside in a Gwinnett/Walton Habitat Home and/or are either a Habitat Club Member or a graduating senior who has served at least 50 volunteer hours with us and has a clear dedication to volunteerism and a commitment to academic excellence. Learn more here.


Volunteer Service Certificate

This recognition certificate will be given to High School Students, College Students, ASB Participants, AWB Participants, and LAP volunteers for completing 25 or more hours of service within a year.

Questions about getting started? Drop us a line to find out more!