Better Homes, Brighter Futures: Year 1 in review

In 2019, Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity launched the Better Homes, Brighter Futures campaign. Recognizing the critical need for affordable housing and home repairs in Gwinnett County, we are committed to doubling the number of families we serve.
As we complete the first year of this campaign, we wanted to give you an update on the 3-year campaign goals that were established and our progress after Year 1 of the campaign.
Total New Funding needed to accomplish our 3-year Goals: $4,055,000
Year 1 Fundraising Update: We have raised more than 30% of our new funding goal, totaling over $1,260,000 raised in Year 1 of the campaign.
We are so grateful for those that have supported this campaign through donations, sponsorships, and new partnerships. Without your generosity, we truly could not fund our mission to continue to serve our Gwinnett community through affordable housing!